Thursday, October 28, 2010

Miss it...but Love it

Just the other day, I was able to capture this moment. I had my camera handy, and had to snap a picture. As soon he took my finger, memories flooded back. Nothing beats the feeling of your baby holding your finger. There were times when he was younger when I would hold him for ages just so that I could feel his little finger around mine. I can't pin point the day or month when he stopped doing it, but he has stopped. It made me think..........

I miss the days when you would lay there and entertain yourself. Not sure what you were thinking about, but I knew you would be there if I left the room and came right back.

However, I love to watch you play. You are all over the place, and can find anything to amuse yourself.

I miss it when I could place you somewhere and know for a fact you would not move....could not move.

However, I love to watch you investigate life. You found my shoes in my closet, your fire hat in your toy box, your lunch box and backpack in a kitchen chair, the trash bag in the trash can, and the walmart bag in the laundry room. You gathered your treasures and put them in the same spot.
I am sure there are going to be many more things that I miss about you, but I know there will be far more things that I will love :)

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