Yes, it is hard to imagine, but my little guy is 6 weeks old! Time flies when you are having fun I guess! It is so neat to see how he has changed in these short weeks, and that is one of the reasons I love this blog! I am not a scrapbooker or a journal keeper. To be honest, I have a hard time remembering to fill out his baby book info! I can see pictures of my boy from anywhere at anytime. Technology is a great thing!
The past 6 weeks he has been:
~smiling (mostly at his crazy daddy) on purpose. He will smile the biggest grin and sweet boy!
~Following you with his eyes. Nolan watches things now. He will follow you around the room with his eyes.
~Sleeping through the night (sometimes). He is not consistent yet, but it's a start. He will sleep for 5-7 hours straight. When he makes the decision to sleep it is wonderful!!!!
~Recognizes my voice. Lately, Nolan will turn his head towards my direction when he hears me talking. Not sure if he does it to Brad's voice yet. I will have to watch for that one!
~wearing 3 month clothing. It's official folks. My chunk can not wear newborn stuff anymore. It is all nicely packed away for the next little one. (Sorry little angel baby girl in have lots of blue, green and orange in your future!)
~Staying awake longer during the day. Nolan now is awake for a few hours and then naps for a few hours. So, then you ask why mommy does not get more done around the house....huuummm????
~wearing size 2 diapers!
Can not wait to see all the changes he will be going through in the next 6 weeks!!!
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