Last night my wonderful family on my dad's side threw me a "Sip and See" diaper shower! Never heard of this?? After you have the baby, someone can throw a shower so that everyone can "see" the new arrival and "sip" on their favorite beverage choice (mine was water if anyone was wondering). Pretty clever if you ask me! Since I am pretty much covered in the baby clothes and accessories department, we thought a diaper shower would do the trick. Who doesn't need diapers???
As you can see, we received tons of diapers and wipes!!! WONDERFUL! Wish I would have taken a picture of the food table. Notice the paci, spoons, etc. They were hanging from the chandelier in the dining room...too cute!

This is a picture of Nolan with some of his great aunts. Aunt Diane, Aunt Janet, Aunt Sharron, Aunt Betsy...Aunt Carol lives in Texas and could not be there...Aunt Trisha looking down from Heaven! These are all my dad's sisters. Nolan is the 20th great grand child on my dad's side of the family. I love the fact that they were just as excited to meet him as they were the first great grandchild!
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