Tuesday, September 15, 2009

When did that happen??? Can someone push the pause button???

Today is my 27th birthday...sounds so strange to say that! I can remember being in 5th grade and thinking that people in their 20's are OLD! I am three years from being in my 30's and I feel like 5th grade was just yesterday!

The same "when did that happen" thought comes to mind when I think about my little guy. Today he is ONE MONTH OLD! WHAT!!!! I can not believe he has been here for a month already. He is growing so fast, and time is flying by. I wish there was a "pause" button!

I was supposed to spend the day with this super cool chick......

but we had to cancel. So instead I spend the day with this super cool guy....

We spent the day sleeping and eating these......

My husband gave me the best birthday present ever! I went to sleep last night at 11p.m and did not wake up until 5:30 a.m. A little fairy came in last night and fed the baby at 2:30 for me! It was wonderful! He came home from work early to spend my special day with me. I thought he and little man went in the bedroom to watch some t.v.
I went to join the party and found this.....

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