Friday, September 25, 2009

Photo Shoot Friday

See this kid???? You know how you can position most newborns in that cute little butt up in the air pose?? Well, this one is having no part in that! Every time you put him on his tummy and tuck his little legs under to make his but stick up he stretches out. He will grab the blanket, plant his foot on the ground, and scooch himself forward. Yes, this little 6 week old is an over achiever and is trying to crawl (or so his mommy likes to think)!

We are 6 weeks old and in 3 month clothing!

I tried to take some pics of him sitting up in his crib. Thought it would be cute to take pictures of my boy in is stripes with his striped monkey friend. Started out okay then he quickly got annoyed...wonder who he gets that from??? :)

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