Sunday, September 20, 2009

What a weekend!

Wow! What a weekend! Friday night we went out for sushi! There is a new sushi place in Hillsboro Village called Zumi Sushi. We had a coupon (love me a coupon these days) and decided to use it despite Brad not feeling very well. It was WONDERFUL and we will defiantly eat there again...and again...and again!

Woke up Saturday morning at 5 am. to feed little man and heard someone. I found Brad looking around the house for some throat drops. He was feeling a little worse than he did the night before, but had no temp. I brushed him off and told him to go back to bed. Turns out.....he has the FLU. I felt kinda bad for blowing him off, but you know the saying....DON'T CRY WOLF! You know how men are when they are "sick" :)

So, my husband now spends all his time behind this door....

At least, I assume he is in there. I hear a cough or two every now and then, so either it's him or someone with a bad smoker's cough!

Nolan and I have been spending a lot of him in his room. Thank goodness I left the TV in there. He doesn't mind...his favorite hangout is his changing table. Not kidding...this kid could spend hours there!

Saturday night I went to a friend's wedding. Liz got married in the same church I was married in. Brought back so many, love, love! It would have been nice to soak up the love with my hubby, but instead I soaked it up with my bubba. He was the perfect date. Didn't talk about stuff I care nothing about and didn't order an expensive meal on the first date. He did try to kiss me, but I didn't mind :)

I also got to spend some time with my Lisa. Lisa, Liz and I have been friends since the 5th grade. I love these ladies. Nothing like a good friend! Can not wait for Lisa to be a mommy! WINK WINK ;)

I can not even find words to describe my Sunday. Nolan and I went to church. Let's just say I have a whole new respect for single parents! With Brad being sick, I have had to take care of Nolan alllll by myself. Things got a little hairy, but we made on time! He even did mommy a favor and slept during the whole service!
When we got home, I decided to let little man try out his monkey bean bag. The changing table is not going to be a safe hangout for much longer. As you can see, the bean bag is NOT a hit. He cried until I took him off. I put him back on the changing table, and all was well! Crazy kid!

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