Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Visitors and Vandy

My sweet cousin Casey came to take me to lunch today! We are exactly 11 days apart. I bought her birthday lunch last week, so she returned the favor! We also went to Gigi's Cupcakes. I got some Carmel cupcake...lets just say it was one of the best things I have eaten in a long while! Thanks for lunch Casey! We had fun!

(Poor guy is nakie because he pee peed on himself. Silly kid has some sort of bodily function every time Casey comes over...coincidence??? I think not! )

Nolan gave her some of mommy's smiles. We are going to have a little talk about that later ;)

My dad came by today as well. He loves being a PawPaw to baby Nolan! Those of you who know my dad have come to love his "mild" obsession with Vandy football. I knew it would be just a matter of time before my sweet baby would be sporting Vandy attire! The outfit is way to big, but he will grow into it!


I am not sure if Nolan shares his PawPaws enthusiasm for the Commodores!

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