Sunday, April 25, 2010

Escape Artist!

**DISCLAIMER** No children were hurt in the making of this reenactment. :)

Before I begin to tell this story, I must get one thing off my chest....WOWZERS!!!!!

Yesterday was just awful. It rained and thunder stormed all day. Nolan was able to take a three hour nap (something he has never done at home by the way). We lounged around and were lazy until it was bed time. I did, however, get out between tornado warnings to buy formula. Ohhhh, I will be happy when I get to buy $3 milk instead of a $25 can of formula. Someone out there is getting rich, but we can talk about that another day....believe me I could go on and on. Today was a drastic difference in weather. We woke up to birds chirping and sunshine shinning! PERFECT PARK WEATHER!!! After picking up some lunch, we parked the car and got out the stroller. What would we do without that thing? Grandma and Papa gave us the stroller/car seat combo as a gift, and we sure have put some miles on that thing! Now, I know I am a goober, but I rarely buckle Nolan in the stroller. He has a flap that folds up so that his little feet stay in the stroller, so he can not fall out. Today, when putting him inside, I put the little flap down. He looked so squishy in boy is growing! So, we loaded up the stroller with everything but the kitchen sink and went on our way. Brad spotted a sunny area with no one playing, sunbathing, kissing, eating, smoking, socializing (Centennial Park is a people waters dream), so we headed in that direction. Of course, this spot was off the beaten path. We had to go off roading in the grass to get there. I turned around for a split second...a split second I tell see if I rolled my window up. When I turned back around, there he was on the ground. At first, I stared in disbelief. Then yelled at Brad to stop pushing the stroller. Nolan had slipped out of the darn thing and landed on his face. in lala land...was still trying to push the stroller even though he felt resistance. My poor baby!!! I scooped him up as fast as I could. There was going to be dirt, scratches, crying, boohooing. Or so I thought. He just looked at me...a mean look...but it was just a look. No crying, scratches, boohooing. There was a little grass up his nose :) Ohhh, what a moment. The one time I didn't bring my camera. Believe me I would have taken pictures of his first big accident :) Instead we came home and did a reenactment. Here is a play by play in pictures.

Nolan in his stroller. Good thing the fall didn't scar him for life! See how the flap is up.

This is what it looks like with the flap down. Guess I should have use the buckle thing instead of letting him play with it.

This is how he slid through. Memories are all coming back to him.

In Brad's defense, it is next to impossible to see with the sunshade down.

How I found my poor baby...pitiful!

I've fallen and I can't get up!

See, I am okay! One tough cookie! Thank God we were on the grass. The pavement would have torn him up.

In other news, Nolan got a playhouse today! He loves it. He put a bunch of his toys in there...even wrote no girls allowed on the outside :)

Our version of a clubhouse :)

Wanted out and didn't know how. Gotta get those pulling up skills mastered.

In other other news, I made this concoction tonight for dinner. It is called a taco ring. Brad put it best when he said it tastes like a taco hot pocket. :)

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