Friday, April 16, 2010

First Word

MAMA!!!!!!!! It is no secret that Nolan sleeps with me every night. I have heard it all from my need to say anything :) This morning Nolan began to stir around 7:30...far to early for me! Usually, when we don't have to get up to go to school, Nolan will sleep until 9ish. Wonderful for this sleep lovin' mama! I pretended not to notice him as he kicked me in the stomach and smacked me in the face. Pretended until I heard him say...MAMA! Right as I heard him say it, I opened my eyes. He was looking at me and smiling. I smiled back and him and he said it again! Melts my heart!

A boy after his mama's heart. He says mama first, and he loves to read. What more could I ask for?

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