Thursday, April 8, 2010

Piece of Cake :)

We made it to Texas in one piece! I got my panties in a wad for nothing. Nolan woke up this morning at 5 a.m., so by the time our flight rolled around he was exhausted. When we got on the plane, Nolan was a mess. Wallered me until they backed the plane up. I just knew it was going to be an awful two hours. But, let me tell ya. The movement of the plane is the same as the movement in a car. He can not resist the car. He was snoring before the plane left the runway, and slept until we touched down :)

Here we are waiting at our gate. He was in awe of all the people. My little people watcher...just like his mommy :)

We made it on board. No one sat next to us which was lovely!

This is what he looked like the entire trip. This was the FIRST plane ride in a LONG time that I have not enjoyed an US WEEKLY or PEOPLE. I had one...just afraid to move and wake him up. Instead, I looked out the window at this beautiful planet......................

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