Sunday, April 4, 2010

Hoppy Easter

Easter is by far more exciting when you have kids. Yes, I am Christian and enjoy celebrating the Risen Christ, however I like the Easter Bunny, too! We woke up to find the Easter Bunny had left some goodies for Nolan. My childhood Easter Bunny always hid our baskets, and I LOVED IT!!! Maybe next year :)

I had to WAKE Nolan up at 9:00 this morning. He was not all that happy about it :)

Getting his loot. He knew exactly what to do. Grab the basket, and pull out everything that is inside. He is a quick learner.

"YOU GOT ME BOOKS?" Does that not look like what he is thinking??? Sorry kid, you are going to get books for every occasion. Your mom is a teacher.

"ANYTHING INSIDE OF THIS EGG?" Nope, but you can't have an Easter Basket without any eggs.

He loves this little thing. Last month when we had his heart echo the tech lady used something like this to keep him still. He liked it, so I bought him one. It starts early :)

Booboo and I before church. He looks like a little man here. It is so hard to dress little boys for Easter. On one hand, I hated putting him in a collared shirt and dress pants. On the other hand I was not going to put him in something smocked with knee socks ;)

Nolan and Daddy being silly. I should have guessed by this pic that today was going to be an interesting day. My usually smiley, laughing, funny baby was not going to smile for anyone today. I am serious. Straight faced all day. Actually kinda funny.

Me and my love. He is going to have my nose I think. My straight eye brows, eye shape, round face. He is going to have daddy's chin, ears, and mouth shape. Eye color....not sure where that came from.

He can either join us or act like we embarrass him....pick one. We are goofy people.

We can be civilized as well.

Not kidding about the smiling thing.

And still....not smiling.

He liked these egg things out side. I really just wanted to get a nice pic of he and his great-grandmommy outside. I made every silly sound in the world, and still no smile.

He and his great-great aunt and uncle. Still not smiling. However, he loved being held by Aunt Judy and Uncle Ronnie :)

Give this kid some grass and he is happy. Loves to touch it, pull it, eat it!

And we are still not going to budge. He looked up at me as if he were going to say "don't you see I am busy here? Geeze mom!"

This is right before he put Janie in a head lock and threw her to the ground. It's okay, Janie is going to be able to hold her own one day. She is a spit-fire!

We ended the Easter extravaganza at the park with the Gibbons side of the family. Wish I would have gotten more pictures of Nolan and his sweet little cousins. He fussed from exhaustion the first hour, and then slept the second hour. Still no smiles, not even for PawPaw.

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