Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Leavin' on a Jet Plane

I am going to be honest. I have not been this nervous about something since the day this happened....................................
The flying part is not really what makes me nervous. I have flown about 3 times a year for almost ten years now. It's not my favorite thing to do, but I do it. Now, throw an almost 8 month old into the mix and things get hairy. As my sweetness was screaming and throwing himself on the floor today, (flashback to his Aunt Elise's memorable tantrums) I had a sudden urge to be sick. I am going to be that mom. The one who has a screaming baby that won't shut up. You have been there. Sitting in the waiting area minding your own business when a stressed out, over worked, hasn't slept in months mom and and her new little bundle come and sit near you. You ask how old he is and tell her how cute he is....all a while thinking "please don't be sitting near me on this flight". I am guilty. In fact, there have been occasions where I just want to say "do you want me to do that for you. I can. Pop a passie in that mouth." PAY.BACK.THIS.IS.PAYBACK. I may be getting my panties in a wad about nothing. He could be just wonderful. However, I am not counting on it. We are in the very back stuck by the window. First ones on....last ones off. Mom, if you are reading...please have a tasty beverage waiting at the gate :)

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