Blogging about Nolan's shenanigans is what I do. For me, it is like a time capsule that I can look back on when ever I please. For most kids who live in the south, snow is something that happens once or twice a season. So, it would be expected for some serious snow blogging to go on. This year, we have had more snow than I can remember. Since December, Nashville has gotten almost 9 inches of snow. That is BIG time for us. I kinda feel like you have seen enough pics of Nolan playing in the snow. At this point, it is hard to even get excited about it :) El Nino, La Nina, global warming, or just a good old fashioned low pressure system that keeps dipping into the Nashville it what you will...we are kinda over it! So, this post is not going to be about Nolan playing in the snow. Just pretend like the snow is not there :)

See what this kid is doing? In the past few days, Nolan has figured out how to unlock the doors of my car. I don't think he knows the specifics, but he does know that this is what mommy does before she puts him in the car. When we leave daycare, Nolan holds my hand as we cross the parking lot. As we approach my car, he knows that you have to push the little button on the handle...and it makes a noise. He then walks to the back door and waits for me to open it. With his little arms and legs, he crawls in :) Very smart and super cute! We went out side a few days ago to play in the snow, and the first thing he did was walk to the door and push the button.

He pushed and pushed, but the sound he was looking for was not there. So, he walked to the other side....

He pushed that button for forever. I didn't have my key senor with me, so he never got to hear his beeping sound. Persistent little bugger! In the past few weeks, Nolan has really started talking up at storm and showing us that he really understands how things work.
- He can turn the tv on himself
- turn his lamp on himself
- he knows the sound the computer makes when Grandma Skypes and he comes running
- when I get the camera out he automatically says CHEESE before I have to say it
- the other day I was cleaning out the bathroom closet with the kitchen trash can pulled close. It was too tall for him to reach, so he went to the bathroom and got the little trash can and started throwing things in it :)
- he knows how to slide the button over on my iphone to get to the cool stuff
- he has recently learned that he can fake cough at bedtime and I will get a sippy for him...already learning how to put off bedtime
- when brad backs into the drive way, Nolan can tell the sound of his engine and and yells daaadeeee as he runs to the back door
- i could keep going but you would be too shocked and want to send him to a school for the incredibly gifted ;)
Needless to say I am amazed at my sweet, smart, handsome, precious little man. Ohh and here some pics of Nolan playing in the snow ;)