Thursday, November 19, 2009

It's been a while....

Have you missed me???? Can you tell I have started back to work???? This almost daily blog might turn into a weekly blog. I knew I was going to loose some of my free time when I started back to work, but I didn't know it would be ALLLLL my free time! HA!

I have really enjoyed being back in the working world. It has been a fun ride getting to know my class this year. Boy, do I have some doozies....sweet doozies so its okay! Nolan is doing great at daycare. He is getting loved on all day, and has already learned his shapes and colors ;)

Where does the drool come from??????/

I walked in to check on him this afternoon and found him in this thing.......

Had to take his picture...this is the first time in a jumper thingy. As you can see by the look on his face, he finds it very fascinating! Don't you love those little feet? Grandma is sending Nolan a jumper thingy of his own. Soooo excited for him to try it out!!! Thank you Grandma!

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