Friday, November 6, 2009

Park with PawPaw

I love this time of year. Just the right amount of crisp in the air. The trees still have their colorful leaves....just could not live in a place with out fall!!! Nolan, my dad and I went to the park today to have lunch. My dad is an outdoorsy kinda guy, and I think he is going to make Nolan one as well...whether he likes it or not!

Doesn't he look excited? How did he get big enough to swing at the park?? Ohh, how time flies!

He didn't cry, but he didn't exactly smile either :)

He is going to have to find a way to keep his shoes on if he is going to be a rock climber!

See this creek??????????????

If it had been a few degrees warmer, my crazy dad would have had Nolan creek stomping...not kidding!

This is why I love living in the great state of Tennessee. 15 minutes outside the city and you get views like this.........................

Happy fall ya'll ;)

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