Sunday, November 1, 2009

11 Week Old Chunky Monkey!

My sweet little angel baby is 11 weeks old! I CAN NOT believe it! He is the happiest baby...only crying if he is hungry or wet. He does not spit up. He does not mind being held by people he doesn't know. HE IS A FLIRT! Here are a few things he has been doing the past few weeks:

~he sticks out his tounge if you do it first
~he smiles and laughs ALL THE TIME
~he has gotten much better at holding up his head
~he still hates tummy time
~he went to his first wedding (Liz and Travis got married)
~he went on his first road trip to TX
~he wears size 3 diapers
~he went trick-or-treating for the first time
~he holds on to you when you hold him
~he LOVES his mama
~he LIKES his daddy
~he sleeps in his crib the first half of the night

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