Saturday, October 31, 2009

Happy Halloween!!

I think I am going to start a petition to make Halloween an all weekend holiday. Who wants to trick-or-treat on a Tuesday?? Not me! Not only should this be a weekend event, it should last more than one night. We started our adventures at 4:00 p.m., and poor Nolan was asleep by 6:45! It would just be nice to be able to enjoy Halloween without the "rushed" feeling of having to get everything done in one night. Just a suggestion! We were able to spend some time with family which is always nice!

Nolan was a little pumpkin for his first Halloween. I didn't want to get him a traditional bulky costume because...well...he is too young. I wanted him to be comfortable, so I (a.k.a Grandma) got him this little outfit from Gymboree. It was PERFECT!!!

Happy Pumpkin!

"You are not going to put me in this seat again" Pumpkin

Our little family. Nolan as a pumpkin and mommy and daddy as Men (or Women) in Black

Love my sweet baby!

Daddy and Nolan

Mommy and Nolan

"Just leave me alone!"

We made a quick stop by Aunt Pam's. As we were leaving, Mary Beth arrived with her two babies. Here is a pic of Janie and Nolan

"Rock on Janie"

We also made a quick stop by my Aunt Diane's house. PawPaw was there and insisted we go see the house down the street. Look at all those carved pumpkins! Must have taken hours!

Took a shot with the flash off so you could see the pumpkins

This poor baby looks like a tuckered out trick-or-treater...missing booty and all!

Mommy and Nolan. Dad said he use to take us to this house when we were little. Neato!

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