Wednesday, October 7, 2009

First of Many Girlfriends

Today we visited Nolan's future girlfriend. A friend of mine from work was pregnant due about 6 weeks after me. It was fun to be pregnant at the same time and compare...she had the easy pregnancy!!! there such a thing???? Little Macy came a few weeks ahead of schedule, so that put she and Nolan just two weeks apart! It is going to be fun watching them grow and become little JAGUARS!!!

I told Nolan about our visit today and he was allll smiles!

Made sure he had on a cute outfit to impress sweet Macy

Nolan at 7 weeks and Macy at 5 weeks. Notice the outfit change..we had a little accident. Good thing Macy is into guys who wear onsies!

Look at the size difference!! Too funny!!! Nolan is a little on the chunky side and Macy is a little on the small side. Hopefully they will catch up with one another some day!

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