Tuesday, October 13, 2009


It is official...Nolan is a swing lover...today anyway! I made big plans to finally put away the maternity clothes (the ones I am not wearing anymore that is) and organize my post baby closet. Nice day to do it too...rain rain go away!!!! Ohh how I am going to miss elastic waist bands!!! Going back to the reason for this posting....NOLAN SAT IN A SWING!!!

Yes, it is true, and here is how it all went down. Nolan was having a needy mommy day, and I had to get this stuff done before our BIG TEXAS (everything is bigger in TEXAS right??) adventure on Friday. I was washing, drying, and folding all morning long, and Nolan was not liking it. I tried to explain that it was hard to fold and hold a baby at the same time, but he still was not having it. Finally, I decided to give the good ole' swing a go.

First, I need to preface something. Sunday morning before church we had a little family T.V. watching time. Flipping through the "on demand" section I found a baby category. Thinking Nolan might like it, I turned on a Baby Einsteinish program. My little dork bait LOVED it. It was the first time he smiled at something other than a human. Caught it on video and would show you, but it is not the most attractive shot of me...you will just have to take my word for it. :)

Back to the swing story.....So, using my super genius mommy brain I decided to turn the program back on and sit Nolan in his swing. PRESTO...BABY SITS IN SWING AND DOES NOT CRY!!! In fact, he not only sits there, but he watches the TV like he is a teenager! Here are a few pictures...............................

"P" like Popsicle...he is going to love those one day!

.......and in case you think I staged this whole thing I caught it on video as well..............

Sorry for all the wordage...you see I am in a profession where I get to talk allllll day long (nice for someone like me)...I have not been to work since May....I need an outlet people!!!

How much time did I get out of this swinging session???? 17 MINUTES!!!!!!!!

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