Friday, October 30, 2009

Kitty Symphony

Warning: If you are not a member of my immediate family, this post will leave you confused...or at least thinking we are a strange family. At least you will have pictures of the cutest boy on the planet to entertain you! :)

Nolan received a Baby Einstien video recently, so we decided to give it a test drive. The recommendation is from 3 months +. I figured since he was so advanced we might as well give it a go. ;)

He was entertained and seemed to like the colors and music. Then this song came on................

Now, my mom is a bit of a nut...that's where I get it from...and she started this kitty symphony thing with my youngest brother, Patrick. She introduced Nolan to this game when she came to visit a last month. Long story short, my hubby and myself do this with Nolan from time to time. Basically you make meow sounds based to the symphony, kitty symphony #5 would have 5 meow sounds. Silly, I know.

When this picture popped up on the screen, I had me a good chuckle. Not only is it a lion (it is in the cat family) that introduced this segment, but Nolan reacted to it!

I kid you not, he threw his hands in the air when this began playing!

He loves some T.V. and his kitty symphony!!!

Side Note Post: PawPaw babysat yesterday! Dad came over for some lunch yesterday, and let me run a quick errand. Thanks PawPaw!!!

Nolan looking at his Paw Paw. My crazy daddy keeps him entertained!

I have been waiting for Nolan to fit into this outfit. I thought I would have a little more time to wait. It is 3-6 months in Gymboree sizes...boy, my guy is a chunky monkey!

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