Saturday, October 3, 2009

Daddy's Speedster

Most folks know that my hubby loves cars....loves them. I found this cute little outfit when I was pregnant...I knew I had to get it! Nolan is just now able to fit into it. The shorts were a little big...that's okay I just pulled them up!!! Hello wedgy!!!

Mommy and Nolan...why is my son more tan than his mommy???

I'm going to eat those cheeks!!!!

Nolan flirting with mama

Love those cheeks!

This afternoon I went to see my cousin's little girl. Mary Beth has the cutest little 2 week old girl named Janie! She also has a 2 year old named Riley. I am so glad Nolan has cousins around his age!

Grandmommy with her Great Grandbabies

Grandbabies and their cousin little Riley

Grandbabies and their cousin little the daddys

Janie and child is big enough to eat her! HAHA!

And because it is fall.................

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