Tuesday, October 27, 2009

3 in 1

I realize the following post may not interest most of you, but it will interest me...one day! HAHA! I love this blog for no other reason than the fact I can look back in a few years and remember the little things. Consider this my scrapbook or journal. So, there is a little "boring" warning that goes along with this post!

Nolan turned 10 weeks old on Saturday...can you believe it! WOWZERS!



What is with my kid scratching his face??? This morning when Nolan woke up to eat it was still dark outside. As I picked him up, I noticed this horrible scratch on his face. That's right...it was so big and dark I could see it with the lights out. I turned the lamp on quickly and was horrified. It actually looked worse this morning...kinda swollen and bloody. I washed it with warm water and put Neosporin on it.

Since Nolan has found his hands, they are ALWAYS on his face. I read this is normal for his age, but come on!!! His nails are RAZOR sharp and his skin is paper thin. The combo of the two is not a good thing. So, please don't report me...my kid did this to himself!

Look at all that hair!

Take a look...come on...a little closer...try to enlarge the photo. See that??? My boy is growing hair! It is about time! Nolan's hair is trying to grow. He is going to have thin hair like his daddy, but at least it's something!


The time has come to transition my baby to formula. I will be going back to work in a few weeks, and it is just not possible to continue to breastfeed full time. When I say this to people, I always get the same reaction....can't you just pump on your "free" time??? HAHAHA! It take all I have not to laugh in their faces. Free time...what the heck is that. I don't have time to use the bathroom during the day!! Ohhh, life of a teacher! hehe!

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