Grandma sent Nolan a Christmas present. I think she thought we would wait until Christmas to test it out...YEA RIGHT! Thank you Grandma!!!!!! He loves it! I took a video of him playing, but I won't post it here. My husband is acting like a D-O-R-K. It will be a good blackmail video later on though! ;)
Look, I found a mirror! He loves to look at himself...must have gotten that from his daddy!
Yea, I'm in a jumper...whatcha gunna do about it??????
(do you love the excessive drool????)
Hey ladies....wanna test out my new toy?
He actually it the music thing to make it come on...he did it more than once, so I know it wasn't an accident!
Had to include this picture. Today, my cousin got married. Nolan looked so cute. Looks like a little man in this picture resting his hand on his leg. Poor baby was burning up in this sweater. Who knew it was going to be almost 70 degrees in mid November???? Welcome to fickle Nashville weather!
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