Saturday, October 31, 2009

Happy Halloween!!

I think I am going to start a petition to make Halloween an all weekend holiday. Who wants to trick-or-treat on a Tuesday?? Not me! Not only should this be a weekend event, it should last more than one night. We started our adventures at 4:00 p.m., and poor Nolan was asleep by 6:45! It would just be nice to be able to enjoy Halloween without the "rushed" feeling of having to get everything done in one night. Just a suggestion! We were able to spend some time with family which is always nice!

Nolan was a little pumpkin for his first Halloween. I didn't want to get him a traditional bulky costume because...well...he is too young. I wanted him to be comfortable, so I (a.k.a Grandma) got him this little outfit from Gymboree. It was PERFECT!!!

Happy Pumpkin!

"You are not going to put me in this seat again" Pumpkin

Our little family. Nolan as a pumpkin and mommy and daddy as Men (or Women) in Black

Love my sweet baby!

Daddy and Nolan

Mommy and Nolan

"Just leave me alone!"

We made a quick stop by Aunt Pam's. As we were leaving, Mary Beth arrived with her two babies. Here is a pic of Janie and Nolan

"Rock on Janie"

We also made a quick stop by my Aunt Diane's house. PawPaw was there and insisted we go see the house down the street. Look at all those carved pumpkins! Must have taken hours!

Took a shot with the flash off so you could see the pumpkins

This poor baby looks like a tuckered out trick-or-treater...missing booty and all!

Mommy and Nolan. Dad said he use to take us to this house when we were little. Neato!

Friday, October 30, 2009

Kitty Symphony

Warning: If you are not a member of my immediate family, this post will leave you confused...or at least thinking we are a strange family. At least you will have pictures of the cutest boy on the planet to entertain you! :)

Nolan received a Baby Einstien video recently, so we decided to give it a test drive. The recommendation is from 3 months +. I figured since he was so advanced we might as well give it a go. ;)

He was entertained and seemed to like the colors and music. Then this song came on................

Now, my mom is a bit of a nut...that's where I get it from...and she started this kitty symphony thing with my youngest brother, Patrick. She introduced Nolan to this game when she came to visit a last month. Long story short, my hubby and myself do this with Nolan from time to time. Basically you make meow sounds based to the symphony, kitty symphony #5 would have 5 meow sounds. Silly, I know.

When this picture popped up on the screen, I had me a good chuckle. Not only is it a lion (it is in the cat family) that introduced this segment, but Nolan reacted to it!

I kid you not, he threw his hands in the air when this began playing!

He loves some T.V. and his kitty symphony!!!

Side Note Post: PawPaw babysat yesterday! Dad came over for some lunch yesterday, and let me run a quick errand. Thanks PawPaw!!!

Nolan looking at his Paw Paw. My crazy daddy keeps him entertained!

I have been waiting for Nolan to fit into this outfit. I thought I would have a little more time to wait. It is 3-6 months in Gymboree sizes...boy, my guy is a chunky monkey!

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Fun in the BG!

Today Nolan and I went with Casey to Bowling Green. We met up with Leeah and Petey, and had a super duper time! I had big plans on taking Nolan to WKU for a little fall picture action around campus, but it was a little rainy and cold. All of the pictures taken were from in the car, and the on on! ;)

We hit up a mall photo booth...great way to waste $3...thanks Casey!

Leeah and I with our boys. Look how far we have come since freshman year. Still best buds and slightly heavier (we will blame that on having children not the cookies and coke from the cookie store). Can not wait for Nolan and Petey to start getting in trouble. Right now this 3 year old and 2 month old are still minding their mommys. Wonder how long that will last???

Group photo!!! Yes, we are in the bathroom at the mall. I wanted a group photo, but did not want some random person touching my camera...swine flu!! So, instead I sat the camera on a bench where thousands of unwashed hands have grazed and set the timer...1.2.3....CHEESE!!!

CHEEKS!!! He gets those from his mama.

The boys

Me and my man...yep..not sure what is all over my sleeve. Could be snot, drool, spit up, lunch, or nastiness from the table. Love wearing black!

Casey said taking pics from this viewpoint reduces the risk of DCS or double chin syndrome....and she was right!

Leeah and Nolan...I wanted to get a pic of them together and the only way was to capture him in the mirror.........................see.....................

.........there he is!!!

Cousin Casey, Pete, and I. The Altima was packed!!! 3 adults, 2 car seats, 2 way too big purses, and 1 diaper bag :)

Ahhh yes....the whole reason for going to BG in the first place. CAMPUS! Love campus in the fall. The trees are so pretty!!

BEMIS!!! My home freshman year of college. This is where I slept in the same bed as my cousin for the first 2 weeks, and met my bestest friend. It was raining and the parking lot was flooded...Leeah was too much of a scaredy butt to go by herself to move her car, so I went with her....and the rest is history. (independence issues anyone???)

And just because this is funny.............and I am not too proud to post a pic of me looking like a dork....and Leeah is the center of a car seat ya go!
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Tuesday, October 27, 2009

3 in 1

I realize the following post may not interest most of you, but it will interest day! HAHA! I love this blog for no other reason than the fact I can look back in a few years and remember the little things. Consider this my scrapbook or journal. So, there is a little "boring" warning that goes along with this post!

Nolan turned 10 weeks old on Saturday...can you believe it! WOWZERS!



What is with my kid scratching his face??? This morning when Nolan woke up to eat it was still dark outside. As I picked him up, I noticed this horrible scratch on his face. That's was so big and dark I could see it with the lights out. I turned the lamp on quickly and was horrified. It actually looked worse this morning...kinda swollen and bloody. I washed it with warm water and put Neosporin on it.

Since Nolan has found his hands, they are ALWAYS on his face. I read this is normal for his age, but come on!!! His nails are RAZOR sharp and his skin is paper thin. The combo of the two is not a good thing. So, please don't report kid did this to himself!

Look at all that hair!

Take a look...come on...a little closer...try to enlarge the photo. See that??? My boy is growing hair! It is about time! Nolan's hair is trying to grow. He is going to have thin hair like his daddy, but at least it's something!


The time has come to transition my baby to formula. I will be going back to work in a few weeks, and it is just not possible to continue to breastfeed full time. When I say this to people, I always get the same reaction....can't you just pump on your "free" time??? HAHAHA! It take all I have not to laugh in their faces. Free time...what the heck is that. I don't have time to use the bathroom during the day!! Ohhh, life of a teacher! hehe!

That's what these are for!!!!!!!!!

Nolan has recently discovered his arms and hands. A few weeks ago he would lie under his play gym, and accidentally swat at the toys. Now, he does it on purpose....AND IT IS TOO this mommy at least!

His hands have become his newest chew toy. Not sure why those things gravitate to his mouth, but he sure seams to like them. This video is a little long, but I know there is a grandma out there that is itchin' for a video! Pardon the gas...poor kid has no manners :)

Saturday, October 24, 2009


Boy, has it been a week. We drove from Tennessee to Texas (with the most well behaved baby in the world) and then back to Tennessee (again with the most well behaved baby in the world). Today mom had some time before her flight back to Texas so we went to pay Grandmommy a visit.

Nolan giving Grandmommy a hug. He holds on to you now when you hold him like this. Feels like he is giving you a hug!

Grandmommy with her daughter. Mom with her daughter. Me with my son.

I love this picture! Here we have 4 generations...that's right...4! I wanted to get this picture when Nolan was first born, but time was limited. So, I mad a point to get it while mom was in town.

Grandmommy and Grandma with Nolan

Grandma playing with Nolan and his squirrel. Nolan has found his little hands and knows what they are for now! He will focus in on something and try with all his might to touch it. Sometimes he gets there and sometimes he gets frustrated and gives up. Either way mommy is so proud of him! :)


Thursday, October 22, 2009

My Sunshine

We are leaving Texas tomorrow....I am going to seriously withdraw from iMovie.  Our next computer purchase is definitely going to have a little apple on it :)

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Monday, October 19, 2009

Family Luvin'

Well, we made it to Texas!!!  Nolan slept almost the entire time....PERFECT BABY!  Here are a few pictures from the past couple of days.  There is no shortage of family luvin' !!!!!!!

Uncle Garrett and his sweet girlfriend, Stephanie.  

Uncle Patrick

Aunt Elise



Thursday, October 15, 2009

October 15th...HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ME!!

I'm such a big boy!!! Happy 2 months Nolan! Mommy loves you...and Daddy does too!!

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Smarter than the average bear.....

How do you calm a fussy baby who got 5 shots today??? Well, for this kid you put him in the tub....we went from tears to smiles in about 5 minutes.

We played for about 5 minutes before I began the tedious process of cleaning under all his fat rolls (as you can see he has plenty of them). Just as we were about to call it quits he pooped a big one in the water. My friends...this chunk is smarter than the average bear. He has figured out how to prolong his favorite past time :)